Saturday, October 18, 2014


3.8 miles
 First run all week. I have been very sore this week and had no desire to try to
run. I actually felt better than I anticipated. Going to run little for at least 2 more
weeks. I need some recovery time. I then plan on starting a 18 week training
block for my next goal race March 7. Going to try something new with my
training in hopes for a break through at the marathon. I'm determined to break
2:40. To do this I'm going to follow the Hansons Marathon Method program.
It's totally different than what I have been doing. This is what I need I hope.
Change usually stimulates new growth. Their plan is speed, strength, tempo
and a 16 mile long run every other weekend. The 16 miler is the longest
you run on this plan. It's harder than it sounds though because you run like
10 miles the day before so you are somewhat fatigued going into the run.
I look forward to mixing it up and seeing what happens.


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