Monday, October 13, 2014

Chicago Marathon #39

26.2 miles 2:46:19
7:30 am) 50 degrees sunny!
This was the largest marathon I have ever participated in. This made for a stressful
morning. I barely made it to my corral and when I finally got in I could not work
my way up to where I wanted to start. I started back near the 3:00 pace group.
I needed to use the restroom one last time but had no time for this. My corral
closed at 7:20 and I actually didn't get into it until after 7:20 they were threatening
to shut it down. I barely squeaked in.  Totally stressed out and worrying about
all the traffic I was going to be dealing with. So the gun went off and I started
dodging in and out. I found some running room but couldn't open it up like I
would normally have done. Took several miles to become less clustered.
Finally when it opened up I got my groove on and started running faster and
at a easier effort. Hit the half at 1:22:35. Second half was a bit slower as my
fitness was not super going into this race 1:23:44 (2:46:19).
I'm pleased with my race and had a blast in Chicago. Great experience!
The highlight of the weekend was Bethany finishing her first marathon.
I'm super proud of her. She put in the training and she did awesome!
I'm pretty sure she will be doing more marathons in the future:)

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